General Assessment
What will you get from the online Test ?
Once you complete the test, you will get a general analysis report that will show your Top 10 competencies and your strengths in general.
You will be able to get the following additional reports upon payments.
Reports | For Whom |
Degree - Competency mapping and Career Direction (More...) | Degree / PG Students |
Engineering - Competency mapping and Career Direction (More...) | Engineering students |
MBA - Competency mapping and Career Direction (More...) | MBA students |
Emerging Strengths Analysis (More...) | STD 4th - STD 8 |
Co-Scholastic Skill Assessment (More...) | STD 4th - STD 12 |
Career Analysis (More...) | STD 9th - STD 12 |
Know Your Teachers (KYT) (More...) | Teachers |
Job Profile Competency Analysis (More...) | Corporate Staff |
Training Need Analysis (TNA) (More...) | Corporate Staff / Teachers |
Pilot Assessments (More...) | Pilots |
Sales force analysis (More...) | Sales Team - Corporate |
Job Profile Layering (More...) | Corporate Staff |
Assessment for Drivers (More...) | Drivers |
Assessment for Nurses (More...) | Nurses |
Stress Management Analysis (More...) | Everyone |
Special Caution Report (More...) | Corporate |
Behavioural Analysis (More...) | Everyone |
Emotional Intellegence Report (More...) | Everyone |
How much you know about yourself?

Give a self analysis about you before the test. Your self analysis can be compared with the psychological analysis...and see where you stand
Go ahead and take the survey. Click here.
Go ahead and take the survey. Click here.